TTLC2019: 2 Exciting Keynotes, 2 Intensive Masterclasses, 1 Forum, 1 Round Table Discussion & Parallel Sessions.

Sep 12, 2019
Sep 14, 2019
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Transforming Curriculum: Strengthening Teacher-Learner Partnership


From our previous conferences, we are aware that empowering learners for life requires a fundamental shift in designing curriculum for Higher Education. New priorities, pedagogies, technologies, spaces and assessment strategies are required to empower learners to take ownership of their learning. Creating resilient, adaptable and future-capable learners is no longer an option for Higher Education institutions as we embrace the Education 4.0 Trends. Hence, as an innovative Higher Education institution, Taylor's has been pioneering holistic education and the integration of Life skills into the curriculum. 

However, these 'student-centeredness' concepts still seem to be prescriptive in nature as most decisions on curriculum, assessment, teaching and learning approaches are still teacher-centric (see Bovill, Cook-Sather, & Felten, 2011, p. 133). Teachers are designing student-centred learning environments without embracing their learners to be a part of the decision-making (see Ntem, 2017). In addition some lecturers who believe they are student-centred in their approach are not embracing the 'voice' of the students within their class. Some lecturers in higher education prefer traditional approaches of content delivery, conventional assessment methods, and familiar teaching and learning approaches rather than experimenting with new best practices. To address this disconnect we propose that there should be a proactive student-teacher partnership in designing assessment and the teaching and learning activities (See Bovill, Cook-Sather, Felten, Millard & Moore-Cherry, 2016). We believe that a paradigm shift in education is not only for teachers, but it is vital for students in embracing their empowered role.

TTLC 2019 is paving the way to understand student-teacher partnerships by examining best practices through dialogue, as well as innovative teaching and learning designs where students have been taking an active role.  The sub-themes below can be utilized as lenses to further envision the student-teacher partnerships in the higher education setting.

The TTLC 2019's innovative agenda is designed to "unlock" the typical conference format, and our aim is to create a space that prioritises engagement with keynotes, panelists and delegates. You can look forward to a relevant, pro-active and rewarding learning experience where peer-to-peer learning and collaboration are prevalent with experts from more than 12 countries and 30 institutions.

Our programme features sessions such as : 

  1. Masterclass 
  2. Edu-Future Forum
  3. Roundtable discussions with industry, graduates, students and academia
  4. Lightning Talks
  5. 1- Day Student track 
  6. Keynotes
  7. Parallel Sessions

TTLC2019 Conference Grant available. For more information click here

Come join us at Taylor's 12th Teaching and Learning Conference today!
Taylor's University Lakeside Campus, No. 1 Jalan Taylor's 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia. Taylor's 12th Teaching and Learning Conference 2019

Keynote Speakers



Professor Thakur S Powdyel

Bhutan Minister of Education (2008-2013),  President of the Royal Thimphu College from February 2015 to August 2018

Keynote:The Moment of Truth: Why I Am In A Mission Called Education?


Thakur S Powdyel is an educator by choice, conviction and passion. He has taught in schools, colleges and universities and writes regularly on development issues, education and democracy, and meditates on educational integrity, institutional honour, national self-respect and moral literacy. Powdyel has travelled extensively across the length and breadth of his country and developed a deep understanding of the aspirations of his fellow-citizens and the needs of the country. Powdyel has often been referred to as the most widely foot-travelled education minister in the world. He has led many delegations and represented Bhutan in important conferences and meeting in different parts of the world.

As the Minister of Education (2008-2013), Powdyel, worked hard to move Bhutan towards fulfilling the Constitutional mandate of ensuring basic education for all Bhutanese children as well achieving the Millennium Development Goals, particularly universal primary enrolment and gender parity, enhance non-formal and continuing education, and restore Education to its core function as the Noble Sector by initiating the Green Schools programme under the auspices of the Educating for Gross National Happiness initiative. 

As a Member of Parliament, Powdyel introduced some important bills particularly those affecting the welfare of women and children. His published works include "As I Am, So Is My Nation", Right of Vision & Occasional Views", and "My Green School: An Outline", now available in Spanish, Catalan, Vietnamese, and Japanese, with other translations underway. He is the principal author of "The Light of My Life". 

Thakur S Powdyel was awarded the prestigious International Gusi Peace Prize in 2011 for Life-time Contribution to Education, the Global Education Award in 2012 for Outstanding Contribution to Education, and the Distinguished Service Award in 2016. Powdyel received the sacred Dakyen from His Majesty the King on April 11, 2008, and became Bhutan's Minister of Education in the country's first democratically elected government. He is a recipient of the Coronation Gold Medal 2008 and Institutional Award: The Honour of Druk Thuksey 2012. 

Thakur S Powdyel invested his public office with a rare and chastening quality of integrity, service and selflessness in the evolving Bhutanese democratic landscape in honour of his country and fellow-citizens, born of his deeply-held beliefs and convictions.  

The 1984 RCSC examination topper, TS Powdyel served as the Vice Principal of Sherubtse College for 15 years, as the Director of the Centre for Educational Research and Development for seven years and joined the country's new political process in response to the initiation of the historic democratic system by His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuck in 2008.

TS Powdyel served as the President of the Royal Thimphu College from February 2015 to August 2018 in honour of the Noble Sector as a vital instrument of nation-building and human flourishing. He has been a visiting professor to and delivered talks at several university and college campuses.

Though not in civil service or in the government at present, Thakur S Powdyel remains deeply engaged in public service, trying to make a positive difference in the life of the nation, having declined several lucrative offers to work abroad.

Professor Dr Susan J. Deeley  

Professor of Learning and Teaching  and the Director of Undergraduate Studies in the School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Glasgow, UK. 

Keynote: Engaging Students in Partnership: 'Revising' and Navigating the Map of Assessment


Susan J. Deeley Ph.D., M.Ed., M.Phil., B.A. (Hons) is Professor of Learning and Teaching at the University of Glasgow, Scotland, UK and is the Director of Undergraduate Studies in the School of Social and Political Sciences. Susan is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, holds a University Teaching Excellence Award and a Students' Representative Council Teaching Award for 'Most Innovative Teaching'. Her publications include Critical Perspectives on Service-Learning in Higher Education published by Palgrave Macmillan, which has been translated into Spanish. Her other research interests are in staff-student partnership, assessment and feedback, and technology enhanced active learning:

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