ttlc20192018: 3 Exciting Keynotes, 2 Intensive Masterclasses, 1 Forum & up to 60 parallel sessions.

Sep 12, 2019
Sep 14, 2019
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Transforming Curriculum: Empowering Learning for Life

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With the theme, ?Transforming Curriculum: Empowering Learning for Life?, the Taylor?s 11th Teaching and Learning Conference 2018 (ttlc20192018) will examine key strategies for building learning institutions which are as future-capable as the graduates they develop. Education is evolving, and many institutions have set themselves a goal to prepare their learners for life.

Empowering learners for life requires a fundamental shift in designing curriculum for Higher Education focussed on broad-based education, holistic education and the development of Life Skills.  New priorities, pedagogies, technologies, spaces and assessment strategies are required to empower learners to take ownership of their learning. Creating resilient, adaptable and future-capable learners is no longer an option for Higher Education institutions as we embrace the Education 4.0 Trends.

Therefore, the future-capable institution may instead be defined by the quality and depth of the learning experience, with a clear aim to build learners with high-level capabilities needed to navigate a successful global future such as leadership, social responsibility, innovation and problem solving.

The ttlc20192018?s innovative agenda is designed to ?unlock? the typical conference format, and our aim is to create a space that prioritises engagement with keynotes, panelists and delegates. You can look forward to a relevant, pro-active and rewarding learning experience where peer-to-peer learning and collaboration are prevalent with experts from more than 12 countries and 30 institutions.

Our programme features sessions such as : 

  1.  Masterclass with keynote speakers
  2. Forums with representatives from different industry sectors
  3. Roundtable discussions with industry, graduates, students and academia
  4. Lightning Talks

Come join us at Taylor's 11th Teaching and Learning Conference today!
Taylor's University Lakeside Campus, No. 1 Jalan Taylor's 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor Darul Ehsan Malaysia. Taylor's 12th Teaching and Learning Conference 2019

Author's Guidelines


Review Criteria:

TTLC2019 employs a double blind peer-reviewed format. The following are criteria for acceptance of a paper for publication for the TTLC2019 Publication:

Standard and Criteria

Manuscripts that exhibit the following characteristics will meet the selection criteria for publication.

  • Content: Original research with significant findings that contribute to the discipline that also command a general interest.
  • Presentation: Systematic and well-organized prose whereby an argument flows and is easily comprehendable.
  • Language: Simple, lucid and highly intelligible to a general intellectual audience. There should be minimal usage of specialized terms, jargon or technical language; if unavoidable, an explanatory note should be included.

Manuscripts that are not accepted for publication include those that are too elementary, poorly written and/or poorly organized, incoherent, too specialized in scope, unduly technical, or are excessively long.

TTLC2019 Publication Peer-Review Process

  • Submitted manuscripts goes through a review process that normally takes between 4 to 6 months.
  • A blind review is practiced so that neither contributor nor reviewers are known to one another.
  • The Editor-in-Chief will have the first initial review of the paper on its suitability and relevance in consultation with members of the Internal Review Panel. If appropriate, reviewers are identified again through consultation among the Internal Review Panel. If the review reports are unfavorable, the Editor-in Chief, in discussion with the Review Panel, decides whether an outright rejection is advisable or to seek another reviewer before a final decision is made.
  • In the event of rejection, the author of the paper is notified. If the reviews are encouraging, the author is notified; the review feedback will be provided for the author to undertake revisions in line with the reviewers? comments and suggestions.
  • The revised paper when received by the Editor-in-Chief will again be evaluated to ensure that all issues raised by the reviewers have been addressed. If deemed necessary, the revised paper is forwarded to the reviewers for another reading. When all aspects are satisfied, the author is notified that his/her paper has gone through the review process and is now accepted for publication in a forthcoming issue of the 2020 Publication or Journal.


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